La partition « Joe Bowers »

Chansons américaines


Joe Bowers

Téléchargez la partition de Joe Bowers, chanson traditionnelle américaine avec accords de guitare.
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Joe Bowers Partition gratuite


1. My name it is Joe Bowers.
I have a brother Ike.
I came from old Missoura,
All the way from Pike.

2. I used to know a girl there;
Her name was Sally Black.
I asked her if she'd marry me;
She said it was a whack.

3. She said to me, "Joe Bowers.
Before we hitch for life,
You'd better get a little home
To take your little wife.

4. "Oh Sally, dearest Sally,
Oh Sally, for your sake.
I'll go to California
And try and raise a stake."

5. When I got in that country
I didn't have a red;
I had such wolfish feelings
I wished myself most dead.

6. But the thughts of my dear Sally
Soon made those feelings git,
And whispered hope to Bowers,
I wish I had them yet.

7. At last a letter,
Enough to make me swear,
That Sally married a butcher,
And the butcher had red hair.

8. Before I got through reading,
At length the letter said:
Sally had a baby,
And the baby's head was red.
