La partition « 10 comptines anglaises 3 »

Chansons anglaises


Baby bye, here's a fly

Téléchargez la partition de 10 comptines anglaises 3, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.
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Baby bye, here's a fly Partition gratuite


1. Baby bye, here’s a fly,
We will watch him, you and I;
How he crawls up the walls,
Yet he never falls;
I believe, with those six legs,
You and I could walk on eggs;
There he goes, on his toes,
Tickling baby’s nose.

2. Spots of red dot his head;
Rainbows on his wings are spread;
That small speck is his neck,
See him nod and beck;
I can show you, if you choose,
Where to look to find his shoes;
Three small pairs, made of hairs,
These be always wears.

La partition Bickle Bockle

Téléchargez la partition de Bickle Bockle, comptine anglaise.

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Bickle bockle blue bottle
Fishes in the sea
If you want a partner
Just choose me.

La partition Black Snake

Téléchargez la partition de Black Snake, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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Black snake, black snake,
Where are you hiding ?
Don't you bite me!


Le serpent noir

La partition Bow wow wow

Téléchargez la partition de Bow wow wow, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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Bow wow wow,
Whose dog art thou ?
Little Tommy Tucker’s dog,
Bow wow wow !


Ouah, ouah, ouah,
À qui est ce chien ?
C'est le chien de Tommy Tucker,
Ouah, ouah, ouah !

Peut se chanter en canon.

La partition Bright morning star

Téléchargez la partition de Bright morning star, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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Bright morning star’s a-rising,
Day is a-breaking in my soul.
Oh, where are our dear fathers.
Some are down in the valley praying,
Some are gone to heaven shouting.

La partition Brother Rabbit

Téléchargez la partition de Brother Rabbit, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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Knock along, Brother Rabbit, knock along
Knock along, Brother Rabbit, knock along, Brother Rabbit,
Knock along, Brother Rabbit, knock along.

Met Brother Rabbit in a snow-white field,
'bout a mile and a half from town.
Two black hounds were on his track,
Tryin' to run him to the ground.

La partition Cat came fiddling

Téléchargez la partition de Cat came fiddling, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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A cat came fiddling out of a barn,
With a pair of bagpipes under her arm.
She could sing nothing but fiddle dee dee,
The mouse has married the bumblebee.
Pipe, cat, dance, mouse,
We’ll have a wedding at our good house.


Le chat s'est mis à jouer du violon

La partition The golden rule

Téléchargez la partition de The golden rule, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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1. To do to others as I would that they should do to me,
Will make me honest, kind and good, As children ought to be.
Will make me honest, kind and good, As children ought to be.

2. We never should behave amiss, nor need be doubtful long.
As we may always tell by this, If things are right or wrong.
As we may always tell by this, If things are right or wrong.

La partition The little lamb

Téléchargez la partition de The little lamb, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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1. Sleep baby sleep,
Our valley home is deep.
The little lamb is on the green,
The snowy fleece so white and clean.

Sleep baby sleep,
sleep baby sleep,
sleep baby sleep.

2. Sleep baby sleep !
I would not, would not weep.
The little lamb he never cries
And bright and happy are his eyes.

La partition Santy Maloney

Téléchargez la partition de Santy Maloney, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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1. Can you dance Santy Mahoney,
And turn yourself about?

2. Put both your hands on your shoulders…

3. Bend yourself this way and that way…

La partition Ten in the bed

Téléchargez la partition de Ten in the bed, comptine anglaise avec accords de guitare.

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1. There were ten in the bed
And the little one said,
Roll over, roll over.
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

2. There were nine in the bed
And the little one said,
Roll over, roll over.
So they all rolled over and one fell out.

3. There were eight in the bed
And the little one said...

10. The were one in the bed
And the little one said
Good night !
