La partition « The Bayou Sara »

Chansons américaines


The Bayou Sara

Téléchargez la partition de The Bayou Sara, chanson traditionnelle américaine avec accords de guitare.
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The Bayou Sara Partition gratuite


1. Up the river, I cannot stay long,
And the Bayou Sara she burned down,
She burned down to the water line,
And the Bayou Sara she burned down.
Bayou Sara she burned down,
She burned down to the water line,
And the Bayou Sara she burned down.

2. Whistle went "Whee" and the boiler went "Whomp!"
And the Bayou Sara, she burned down,
Deck blew off and I had to jump,
And the Bayou Sara she burned down.
Bayou Sara she burned down,
Deck blew off and I had to jump,
And the Bayou Sara she burned down.
