La partition « Fooba Wooba John »

Chansons américaines


Fooba Wooba John

Téléchargez la partition de Fooba Wooba John, comptine traditionnelle américaine avec accords de guitare.
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Fooba Wooba John Partition gratuite


1. Saw a flea kick a tree, fooba wooba fooba wooba,
Saw a flea kick a tree, fooba wooba John.
Saw a flea kick a tree in the middle of the sea.
Whoa, John, oh John, Fooba wooba John.

2. Saw a crow flying low, fooba wooba fooba wooba,
Saw a crow flying low, fooba wooba fooba wooba,
Saw a crow flying low, several miles beneath the snow
Whoa, John, oh John, Fooba wooba John.

3. Saw a whale chase a snail...
Saw a whale chase a snail, all around the water pail...

4. Saw a louse push a mouse...
Saw a louse push a mouse, down the chimney through the house...

