La partition « The Bulldog »

Chansons américaines


À chanter en deux groupes.

The Bulldog

Téléchargez la partition de The Bulldog, comptine américaine avec accords de guitare.
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The Bulldog Partition gratuite


1. Oh the bulldog on the bank
And the bullfrog in the pool,
Oh the bulldog on the bank
And the bullfrog in the pool,
Oh the bulldog on the bank
And the bullfrog in the pool,
The bulldog called the bullfrog
A green old water fool.

Singing tra la la la la la.
Singing tra la la la la la
Singing tra la la,
Singing tra la la,
Tra la la la, tra la la la,
Tra la la la la.

2. Oh, the bulldog stooped to catch him,
And the snapper caught his paw,…
The pollywog died a-laughing,
To see him wag his jaw.

3. Says the monkey to the owl:
“Oh! what’ll you have to drink?”…
“Why since you are so very kind,
I’ll take a bottle of ink.”
