La partition « We'll all go a-singing »


We'll all go a-singing

Téléchargez la partition de We'll all go a-singing, chanson traditionnelle avec accords de guitare.
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We'll all go a-singing Partition gratuite


1. I will sing the first part;
I'll be number two;
I will take the third;
And the fourth I'll try to do.
And we''l all go a-singing, a-singing.

2. I will be a baker, I will sell the meat;
I will be a tailor and I will clothe your feet.
And we'll all go a-trading, a-trading.

3. I will be a farmer, I will fight the foe,
I will be a lawer, and I to sea will go,
And we'll all do our duty, our duty!


Utilisateur N°1amsterdam le 2012-11-21 à 17h30

Mille merci....maintenant je peux aller tranquille a mon audition....on croisse les doights !!