La partition « Swannanoa Tunnel »

Chansons américaines


Swannanoa Tunnel

Téléchargez la partition de Swannanoa Tunnel, chanson traditionnelle américaine.
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Swannanoa Tunnel Partition gratuite


1. Ashville junction, Swannannoa tunnel,
All caved in, babe, all caved in.

2. I'm goin' back to Swannanoa tunnel,
That's my home, babe, that's my home.

3. When you hear that hoot owl squallin',
Somebody's dyin', babe, somebody's dyin'.

4. When you hear that pistol growl, babe,
Another man's gone, another man's gone.

5. If I could gamble like Tom Dooley,
I'd leave my home, honey, I'd leave my home.

