La partition « Run, nigger, run »

Chansons américaines


Cette chanson existe en de multiples versions ; celle-ci est tirée du film Twelve years a slave. Dans ce film, la chanson est chantée par un blanc, autoritaire, pour se moquer des esclaves nouvellement arrivés mais il s'agit bien d'un chant créé par les esclaves.

Run, nigger, run

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Run, nigger, run Partition gratuite


1. Nigger run, nigger flew,
Nigger tore his shirt in two

Run, run or the pattyroller will get you
Run nigger run well you better get away

2. Nigger run, run so fast
Stoved his head in a hornets nest

3. Nigger run through the field
Black slick coal and barley heel

4. Some folks say a nigger won't steal
I caught three in my corn field
One has a bushel
And one has a peck
One had a rope and it was hung around his neck

5. Hey Mr. Patty roller don't catch me
Catch that nigger behind that tree

