La partition « That Ragtime Barber Shop »

William M. James Jr.


That Ragtime Barber Shop

Téléchargez la partition de That Ragtime Barber Shop de William M. James Jr. avec accords de guitare.
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That Ragtime Barber Shop Partition gratuite


I know a place to go when you are feeling kind of blue,
A place to drown your sorrow if nobody cares for you,
Down to a barber shop when ev'rything's galore,
You hear the ragtime strains afloatin' thro' the open door,
The music's written on the mirrors there you see,
So step in line, forget the time, and come with me,
Oh ! we'll wade thro' the craowd and shout aloud,
This tune night and noon like a loon pretty soon.

