La partition « Rosa Lee McFall »

Chansons américaines


Rosa Lee McFall

Téléchargez la partition de Rosa Lee McFall, chanson traditionnelle américaine avec accords de guitare.
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Rosa Lee McFall Partition gratuite


1. Out on a lonesome hillside,
A cabin low and small,
Lived the sweetest rose of color,
My rosa Lee McFall.

2. Her eyes were bright and shiny
Her voice was sweet to me
I knew that I would always love her
I thought that she loved me.

3. I asked her to be my darlin'
And this is what she said
I know that I'll always be happy
When you and I are wed.

4. But God way up in heaven
For her one day did call
I lost my bride, oh how I loved her
My Rosa Lee McFall.

5. I'll roam this wide world over
Through cities great and small
Till God prepares my home in heaven
With my Rosa Lee McFall.
